Mamadou Moustapha Diallo

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@moustaphaotf @sumptring

My recent activities

Name Description Date Learn More
Ecole d’Eté sur l’Intelligence Artificielle (EEIA 2024)   July 20th - August 17th 2024  
Bachelor’s degree final defense project At the end of a 5-month internship, I presented my project to a jury of 4 research professors at my institute. This project was a real lever for my entry into the professional world. June 20th 2024 [Ressources]
Talk about Web Roadmap on FODR-24 Expose the main tools used by web developers in their daily coding journey. May 17-18th 2024 Ressources
Débutez avec le framework Django (OpenClassrooms) A practical introductory course on Django.
Learned Skills python django
April 30th - May 1st 2024  
Objectif IA : initiez-vous à l’intelligence artificielle A course recommended by EEIA where the main discussion is about an introduction to AI and different kind of approaches one can take with an AI project. April 27-30th 2024 OpenClassrooms
DevoirsPlus   April 25 2024  
CEH : intro (Certified Ethical Hacking) We studied at the university a course which focuses on ethical hacking and cybersecurity, an opportunity for me to take into practice what I learned earlier this year on TryHackMe. The course was lectured by a Senegalese teacher. April 18-25th 2024  
Algorthms & C Programming Within this week, the GDSC club at IST Mamou hold a focus on Programming, I shared with first year student on Computer Science tips and we solved some challenges in C language. The situation was appropriate to tell them what makes a computer scientist as we invited also future alumni and the PDG of TAK Multiservices to give them orientations. April 17-24th 2024 Event Details
CAF Hacking Challenge   Marth 30th-April 09th 2024  
Spring Challenge 2024 avec Fiverr (codingame)   March 26-28th 2024  
Reply Challenges Standard Edition 2024   March 21st 2024  
Relational Database Certification (freeCodeCamp) Learned skills: Programmation Bash, PostgreSQL, Git March 8-18th 2024 Visit this link for more infos.
0xCH4115 Webserver Logs App Review   March 17th 2024  
Learn Git and GitHub (GDSC ISTM) The GDSC Club I am leading organized an event about the opensource tools Git and GitHub, I shared my experience to students and invited them to use those brand new skills in their daily projects. March 15th 2024 Visit this repository for more details
0xCH4115 Schedule App Review   February 07th 2024  
0xCH4115 Image Lookup App Review   January 27th 2024  
Web Fondamentals I lectured within a full week a course about the web fundamentals to 2nd grade students of my university. We talked about HTML CSS JS PHP January 11-19th 2024 Visit this repository
Contact Saver A mobile app for saving multiple prefixed contacts in a batch. January 8th 2024 Visit this repository
Compile Easy An environment made for helping users to design any idea into code and execute it without any prerequisite. January 4th 2024 Visit this repository
Advent of Cyber 2023 In this adventure, each day I tackled down a challenge to help me understand more about some topics of cyber as well as machine learning, programming and much more. December 01-25th 2023  
ODC Champions 2023 2 Hours of live coding. 5 challenges were given, but my team only tackled down 3 of them. The issue of the contest was to have a fully equiped building in my university. We were the 2nd team after the University of Labé and before the Gandhi University. The opportunity was crucial for me to learn more about team work. December 14th 2023  
FCC-CTF 2023 Final After 6hours of competition, the gloriouswolves (my team) were ranked 2nd at the national level and occupied the 6th place at the international level. A full opportunity to learn brand new skills and take them into practice. December 11-12th 2023  
FEG-23 3 Days of immersion within the Guinea’s Universities’ life. We discovered a lot of projects the department is planning for the satisfaction of the students and also those already acted. The most exciting part of it is surely the Public Speaking Contest, the panels and the exhibition. December 6-8th 2023  
FCC-CTF 2023 Prequalification After a whole week challenging each one, our team gloriouswolves was the 5th. I discovered a lot within these days. And I was very proud of the amount of knowledge I acquired. November 20-24th 2023  
HACKTOBERFEST 2023 I discovered about opensource and contributed to translate an existing JS course on github. I acquired some holopin badges and got offered a tree in tree-nation growing in Tanzania and have access to a full reward pack prepared by the hacktoberfest team along with their partners. <li>Discover the course on this repository</li><li>Discover my holopin badges</li>  
OSC 2023   July 10th - October 10th 2023  
PARI 2023 In the context of this national contest, I was really delighted to se my project (Clockzzle) choosen among all the audited one. I used that opportunity to powerpoint to a broad audience and overcome the jury’s questions. Whilst I was not in the top 3, but I really learned from that experience and also I benefited a lot from my encounters and my friends. July 14th 2023  
SQL and RDBMS A course about databases I gave to first year students. I discussed with them the way to create simple SQLite database and basic SQL commands.    
ProQuizz A web app designed to help my classmates to prepare for the C++ course test. January 15th 2023 Visit this repository
Clockzzle A web/mobile app game that help u learn the correct way to tell time in english. Sept-Oct 2022 Visit this repository